Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sword Art Online II Episode 02: Ice Sniper

There wasn’t any story development as I thought, but instead, we had an entire episode about Sinon! The name of the episode fits her perfectly. Sinon is my favorite character of the series, so an entire episode dedicated to her makes it worth to me.

First scene of the episode shows how Sinon got her sniper rifle, an Ultima Ratio Hecate II by beating a monster. Then after the Opening, we see her and her group moments before she shots an enemy on the first episode. Then, we find out that one of the enemies is a pro player named Behemoth who uses a Minigun. Being Sinon the last member of her party, she goes to the top of a building to jump with her Hecate and kill Behemoth while she was falling. That was EPIC. After this victory, we can see her coming back to the real world saying that she has to be stronger. And finally on the last minutes of the episode, we can see Silica, Leafa and Lizbeth fighting a monster in ALO while Kirito, Yui and Asuna are just chilling there. At the end of the episode, Kirito is about to say to Asuna that he is going to enter a new game. 

Sinon meets Hecate
Leave her alone pervert!
You will die after all...
You're arrogant.
Without mercy!
Hight jump dodging skills
Wait till Sinon shoot some machos
She's so cool...
Almost headshot
Rambo Mode On
That's brave
Ninja skills
Insta amputation
That's smile is going to be erased.
Here she comes...
Shooting orgasm
That was just AMAZING!
She's amazing in both worlds
Bang bang
You have an overpowered Kirito to beat
Chilling there while the others are fighting
You belong to Kirito's harem anyways...
Say goodbye to Aincrad for a while
There's another blue haired besides you, Asuna
Her Undine character is just beautiful
Basically, the episode was about introducing Sinon’s character by showing her ninja-dodging-sniper skills and amazing she is, she shoots someone in the head while falling from a building! Since I’ve already read the light novel, I just love very side of her character and watching her animated is just exciting for me.

One thing I noticed different from the light novel is that in the anime, Kirito tells Asuna that he is going to transfer to another game in ALO while in the light novel he tells her at the park they were meeting on 1st episode.

Illustration from 5th light novel
Now we got to see the Opening without all the credits scrolling, I just noticed another detail that is featured on the light novel. The detail is the star mark the Death Gun has, something that will be important on the story.

Footage from the Opening
Going back to Sinon, -I know I’m just being a fanboy, but 2nd episode is about Sinon anyways…- the way she reacts towards Behemoth being a pro player, when she grabs Dyno telling him to be brave at least in the game and when she says she has to be stronger while she is pulling a trigger in the air are just hints about her back story. As we can see on the Opening and the Ending, they both feauture Sinon when she was younger.

Footage from the Opening
Footage from the Ending
Now that Sinon’s character is fully introduced and Kirito is about to tell he’s moving to GGO, I hope next episode we will get more story development. I can't wait to see Kirito entering Gun Gale Online.

Footage from the Opening

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